Meet Jamila Salim

I am originally from Upstate NY. I have degrees and credentials in MS and BCBA.

I fell in love with the science of ABA and how we could use scientific principles to help improve the quality of people’s lives. I felt it was the perfect mix between science and practitioner.

My current position at PRISM Learning Center is Clinical Supervisor.

Previously, I’ve had the opportunity to work in schools, daycares, and in-home settings with learners under 12 primarily.

The best positive experiences I’ve had at PLC are seeing the growth in our clients, but also seeing them create friendships has been so amazing to witness. In the long term, I’d like to open my own center.

To all newcomers in this profession, always have an open mind to learning as the science of ABA is often very different than what you see in most school settings.

My favorite vacation shop is anywhere warm with a beach! My favorite hobbies are biking, visiting museums and galleries, painting, and trying new restaurants.