
Family Meal Times with Kids with Autism

Family Meal Times with Kids with Autism

Regular mealtimes and other strategies help children with autism learn good behaviors and make meals more enjoyable for the whole family.

May 1, 2024
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How to Keep a Schedule for Kids With Autism

How to Keep a Schedule for Kids With Autism

Children thrive on routine, and they learn best from repetition. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) especially appreciate predictability and patterns. Establishing routines at home can promote positive bonds between children and caregivers and ease the unpredictability of everyday life for young children.

May 1, 2024
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How to Help Kids with Autism at Large Gatherings‍

How to Help Kids with Autism at Large Gatherings‍

The holidays come with many festivities, outings, family gatherings and travel. For many of us, it’s very exciting! Yet all the commotion and new faces can be overwhelming for kids.

May 1, 2024
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How to Best Prepare Your Child with Autism for the Holiday Season

How to Best Prepare Your Child with Autism for the Holiday Season

The holidays can be a difficult time for children with autism. However, there are gradual steps you can take to prepare your child and ease them into these changes.

May 1, 2024
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Tips for Creating a Safe Space for Children with Autism‍

Tips for Creating a Safe Space for Children with Autism‍

Tips for Creating a Safe Space for Children with Autism‍

May 1, 2024
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